dc.description.abstract |
Extraction of olive oil by two extraction systems (batch press or continuous centrifugation
extraction at 3phases), generates two by-products, the first in solid form (pomace) and the
other in the liquid state (vegetable waters). The objective of our study is to quantify the
phenolic compounds containing in vegetable waters thus to evaluate their biological
activities. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined using the Folin-
Ciocalteureagent, it was (25.77 g / l, 19.42 g / l, 16.97 g / l and 13.05 g / l) for
andE.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph respectively). Total tanninscontents were quantified using
PVPP method.There were (18.74 g / l, 14.05 g / l, 10.59 g / l and 8.21 g / l) in the extracts
(E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P, E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.P, E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.3ph
andE.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph respectively).Condensed tannins were estimated by the HCL-
Vanillin method. Their content is (8.88 g / l, 8.20 g / l, 8.15 g / l and 5.55 g / l) for
(E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P, E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.3Ph, E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph
andE.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.P respectively). The flavonoids were evaluated using the AlCl3
method, their content is (0.12 g / l, 0.08 g / l, 0.06 g / l, 0.05 g / l) for (E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P,
E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.P, E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3PhandE.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.3Ph respectively).
Antioxidant activity was evaluated using free radical reduction scavenging effects of the
free radical DPPH. The IC50 estimated for extracts was (0.103 mg / ml (1/250), 0.104 mg /
ml (1/200),0.169 mg/ml(1/ 100) and 0.163 mg / ml (1/80) and for the phenolic extracts of
margine (E.P.M.V.Si.S.E.P, E.P.M.V.C.S.E.P, E.P.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph
andE.P.M.V.Si.S.E.3Ph respectively).This effect seems to be weak when compared to
positive control ascorbic acid (0.27 mg / ml). The antibacterial activity was tested on two
bacterial strains pathogenic EscherichiaColiand Pseudomonas Aeruginosa according to
Disc diffusion method compared with gentamicin control activity. The antibacterial
activity of the extracts (E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P,E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.P, E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.3Phand
E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph) against the Escherichia Coliexerces strain of the diameters of the
inhibition zones (19, 15, 10 and 12 mm respectively). The inhibition zone diameter of
gentamicin control is (24mm) to tell the same strain. Regarding the diameters of the zones
of inhibition that were recorded for the gross extracts of the vegetable waters are (20, 15, 9
and 12 mm) for these crude extracts
(E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P,E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.P,E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.3Phand E.P.B.M.V.C.S.E.3Ph
respectively); E.P.B.M.V.Si.S.E.P is more effective against the gentamicin control
(19mm). |
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