المستودع الرقمي في جامعة غرداية

الأحكام الفقهية المتعلقة بأمـــــــــــراض النساء دراسة طبية شرعية

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author فاطيمة الزهرة, بوخشبة
dc.date.accessioned 2024-10-07T08:54:15Z
dc.date.available 2024-10-07T08:54:15Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.univ-ghardaia.edu.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/8753
dc.description.abstract Praise Be to allah the forgiving and merciful an paece and blessings be upon his prophet, "The jurisprudential rulings related to women's diseases" ami to facilitate their the treatment by clarifying the jurisprudent by clarifying the juriprudential ruling and symptoms of these diseases categoring them and specifying the areas of exposue and permissible boundaries for treatment. Between cervical cancer,its causes, symptoms, and treatment methods, and each method's and ruling, the study addresses issues related to uncovering the private parts for the purpose of treeatmenand the ruling on the related jursprudential rulings accordig to scholars. The conclusin of this research highlights the results in dtail EN_en
dc.publisher جامعة غرداية EN_en
dc.subject الأحكام الفقهية EN_en
dc.subject أمراض النساء EN_en
dc.title الأحكام الفقهية المتعلقة بأمـــــــــــراض النساء دراسة طبية شرعية EN_en
dc.type Thesis EN_en

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هذه المادة تظهر في الحاويات التالية

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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