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Title: Impact de l’intensification agricole (céréaliculture sous pivot ) sur la variation de quelques propriétés du sol dans la région de Ghardaïa (cas de Hassi El F'Hel)
Other Titles: Impact of agricultural intensification (cereals under pivot) on the variation of some properties the soil in the region of Ghardaia (case of Hassi EL F'HEL)
تأثير التكثيف الزراعي )زراعة الحبوب تحت الري المحوري) على التباين لبعض الخصائص التربة في منطقة غرداية )دراسة حالة حاسي لفحل(.
Authors: DAHMANE, Bouchra
Keywords: الحبوب، خصائص التربة، التباين المكاني، نموذج الجيواحصائي ، حاسي الفحل.
cereal, soil properties, spatial variation, geostatistical modeling, Hassi EL F'HEL
Céréaliculture, propriétés du sol, variation spatiale, modélisation géostatique, HASSI EL F’HEL
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Faculté Science de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre - Université de Ghardaïa
Abstract: The impact assessment of agricultural production systems on dry areas undergoes a quantum study of the spatio-temporal evolution of the components of this medium. Our work which is done in the area of Hassi EL F'HEL (Ghardaia) focuses on the study of the impact of cereal cultur on the evolution of total and active limestone, pH and soil salinity by providing a systematic sampling on a regular grid and comparing the data of soil properties in a cultivated plot for 4 years to an uncultivated plot. The results showed that the soil is not to moderately calcareous, less to relatively weakly provided by active limestone, moderately to strongly alkaline and salty not weak. The analysis of the rate of annual change showed a highly significant increase in the total limestone and significant soil salinity Thematic analysis showed a high spatial variability in the total limestone and active limestone, moderate to extremely high salinity and low to the ground reaction. Geostatistical modeling showed, from the experimental variograms, the effectiveness of the selected sample.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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