المستودع الرقمي في جامعة غرداية

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "M ethodes de g eom etrie di erentielle, Equations elliptiques semi-lineaires avec Laplacien, Aspects g eom etriques di erentiels."

استعرض Mémoires de Master حسب الموضوع "M ethodes de g eom etrie di erentielle, Equations elliptiques semi-lineaires avec Laplacien, Aspects g eom etriques di erentiels."

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • Daoudi, Messaouda (université Ghardaia, 2022)
    In this thesis, we will try to generalize the Laplacian on Euclidien space to operator of differential forms on a Riemannian manifold and prove the Hodge theory, with give a notion of the Riemannian manifold. Our goal is ...

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