This work consists of an inventory of plant-parasitic nematodes which can be dependent on the
date palm For the three cultivars (Adala, Timjouhert and Ghars) at the two depths (35cm and
60cm) at two periods (December and March ) in the three farms ( EL-Atteuf, N'tissa, boulila) in
the Ghardaïa region. The nematological analysis showed the presence of 187 individuals of plant-parasitic nematodes, revealing 17 genera of nematodes belonging to 11 families with a
dominance of Pratylenchidae , Longidoridae , Anguinidae , are classified belonging to two orders
( Tylenchyda and Dorylaimida ) the physical characteristics -chemical characteristics of the
sampled soils (sandy texture and medium to low organic matter content) are favorable for
nematode activity. And for the analysis of the phytopathogenic mycoflora we allowed 9 species
to be phytopathogenic : Verticillium sp, botrytis sp, trichodorma sp, Fusarium oxysporum ,
Fusarium solani , Fusarium sp, Aspergillus sp, Verticillium dahlia and Altirnaria sp. , the plant-parasitic nematode - phytopathogenic fungus complex of the date palm present by plant-parasitic
nematodes such as ( Meloidogyne sp ) with the mushroom complex ( Fusarium oxysporum ) from
the date palm.